Budgeting for Our Software Solution

Fixed annual licence fee with unlimited accounts and features.


$1600 / month

Book a demo

With this plan, you get:

Unlimited admins

Unlimited location admins

Unlimited users

Unlimited contacts

Unlimited automations

Unlimited locations

Unlimited groups

Unlimited teams

Unlimited reports

Unlimited surveys

Unlimited courses

Unlimited resources

Unlimited events

Unlimited workspaces

Unlimited tasks

Unlimited chats

Unlimited registration forms


Custom onboarding with specialist

All plans include white-glove onbaording.

Plan built around your schedule

Implementation as fast as 90-days

Full training schedule

No robots

Weekly meetings and support

Experts in implementation

Far above industry standards


Custom pricing

Contact sales

Full access to Engage Spaces plus:

In-depth organizational review

Success criteria planning

Onboarding & staff training

Ongoing support Workspace

1-on-1 weekly onboarding meetings

Staged deployment planning & communication

Ongoing platform consultation

Custom feature development available

Our Features

Contact Management

Unlimited user sets

Unlimited live exporting

User metadata profile customizability

Metadata visibility controls

Unlimited custom metadata fields

Automated duplicate account idenfier

Unlimited CSV data import

Unlimited user tags

Unlimited CSV file downloads

Unlimited admin private notes

Unlimited private note templates

Unlimited administrative accounts

Unlimited feature-moderator accounts

Automated user metadata syncing across platform

Quantitative user set history tracking

Automatically filter and sort users into custom user lists.

Export user information to other platforms with live updates.

Customize the information you track on users.

Control what data is fillable and visible to Users, Group Leaders, and Location Admin or greater.

Create your own questions to track user profiles.

Discover and merge duplicate accounts.

Automatically import user data directly to Engage Spaces.

Tag profiles with hidden markers.

Download all tables into a CSV.

Create private notes only visible to administrators.

Create private note templates to predefine private note question(s).

Grant platform-wide administrative access.

Grant feature-specific administrative access.

Sync all metadata across the platform with registration forms, Groups, and Users.

Track the number of users that meet your specific user set filter criteria.


Targeted automation lists

Automated enrolment into courses

Automated enrolment into workspaces

Automated enrolment into reports

Automated enrolment into events

Automatically generate lists of users that fit specific filter and engagement criteria.

Automatically enroll users into specific Course(s) based on your identified criteria.

Automatically enroll users into specific Workspace(s) based on your identified criteria.

Automatically enroll users into specific Report(s) based on your identified criteria.

Automatically enroll users into specific Event(s) based on your identified criteria.


Unlimited locations/regions/areas

Unlimited location administrators

Hide locations from users

Restrict locations from users

Disable locations from users

Location admin view

Categorize users based on their geographic location or by an organizational groupings.

Grant users administrative access to overseeing their location.

Make Locations not to be visible to users outside the location.

Restrict user access to specific locations.

Archive old locations but retain their historical record.

View and edit all locations with admin specific views.


Unlimited groups

Unlimited group leaders

Unlimited group supervisors

Unlimited group members

Unlimited roles within groups

Enrolments into multiple teams

Group leader administration dashboards

Customizable group visibility

Public facing groups dashboard

Archive members function

Group member private notes

Unlimited group tags

Unlimited group types

Group customizability

Disable groups

Group map

Groups in location

Featured groups

Group enrolment - user control

Group leader accessible metadata

Group report display

Shareable URLs

QR code generator

The building block of your organization - sometimes called Chapters, Districts, Pods, Clubs, Patrols

Grant users administrative access over their specific group

Grant users oversight of specific groups

Enroll the right people into your group and customize their roles

Create roles that custom fit your group structure

Allow users to enroll in one or multiple Teams and to have different roles for each team

Allow Group Leaders to oversee their Members list, past Attendance, roles, private notes & more

Allow groups to be discoverable by the public, only accessible to users, or hidden for searches

Help the public discover all of your Groups

Track when members joined and left their groups

Allow Group Leaders to take private notes on their members

Group Categorization visible to Admin Only

Group Categorization visible to End Users

Customize each groups Time, Weekday, Name, Location, Visibility and more

Archive Groups but retain their historical record

Let Users and the Public discover where Groups are located visibly on google maps

Connect your groups to specific locations

Feature specific Groups on the public page

Control if a registrant becomes a User or a Contact

Have Group Leaders take specific metadata notes on their Group Members

View Group-specific reports displayed inside the Group Leader Administrative Dashboard

Generate sharable URLs for people to find and register for the Group

Generate QR codes for people to scan and register for the Group


Unlimited teams

Unlimited team leaders

Unlimited team supervisors

Unlimited team members

Unlimited roles within teams

Enrolments into multiple teams

Team leader administration dashboards

Customizable team visibility

Public facing teams dashboard

Archive members function

Team member private notes

Unlimited team tags

Unlimited team types

Team customizability

Disable teams

Team map

Teams in location

Featured teams

Team enrolment - user control

Custom team registration forms

Team report display

Shareable URLs

QR code generator

The building block of your organization - sometimes called Chapters, Districts, Pods, Clubs, Patrols

Grant users administrative access over their specific team

Grant users oversight of specific teams

Enroll the right people into your team and customize their roles

Create roles that custom fit your team structure

Allow users to enroll in one or multiple teams and to have different roles for each team

Allow team leaders to oversee their members list, past attendance, roles, private notes & more

Allow teams to be discoverable by the public, only accessible to users, or hidden for searches

Help the public discover all of your teams

Track when members joined and left their teams

Allow team leaders to take private notes on their members

Team categorization visible to admin only

Team categorization visible to end users

Customize each team's time, weekday, name, location, visibility and more

Archive teams but retain their historical record

Let users and the public discover where teams are located visibly on google maps

Connect your teams to specific locations

Feature specific teams on the public page

Control if a registrant becomes a user or a contact

Create custom registration questions and a registration form for each team

View team-specific reports displayed inside the team leader administrative dashboard

Generate sharable URLs for people to find and register for the team

Generate QR codes for people to scan and register for the Team


Unlimited reports

Unlimited assigned reporters

Unlimited assigned report reviewers

Unlimited report moderators

Reports dashboard

Assigned reports

Reviewed reports

Moderated reports

Location admin accessible reports

Attendance reports

Attendance + private note reports

Reminder control

Regularly scheduled report collection

Attendance to metadata option

Trigger private notes

Attendance role filtering

Automated email notifications

Dynamic report assignees

Dynamic report assignment

Dynamic report delineation

Dynamic report reviewers

Unlimited report questions

Dynamic interactive report graphs

Dynamic interactive report charts

Automated attendance statistics & insights

Aggregated data display

Unlimited live report exporting

Unlimited CSV file downloads

Ad-hoc report submission

Disable reports

Edit profiles - attendance reports

Add new users - attendance reports

Roster updating - attendance report

Report chats & comments

Report history

File uploads

Create new reports to collect quantitative and qualitative data from specific people/users

Assign as many users as required to complete individual or aggregate reports

Assign as many users as required to review individual or aggregate reports

Assign as many users as required to edit, create, and moderate reports

Mark specific reports to display side-by-side in a Reports Dashboard

Assign users to complete automated reports

Assign users to review completed reports for members they oversee

Assign users to edit, create, and moderate reports

Optionally allow Location Admin the ability to view location specific aggregate report data

Generate attendance reports for Group or Team leaders

Generate reports that allow leaders to take detailed notes about each member

Control the number of reminders users receive to complete a report

Schedule reports to send out on the specific day of the week, month or year

Optionally roll the last attendance date into the Contacts Space

When someone is archived or marked present, trigger a private note

Filter the attendance list to only show certain Roles within a Group or Team

Send email notifications to remind users to complete their reports

Assign users to complete a report based on their role or previous involvement in the organization

Assign multiple users to complete one report for all users

Assign multiple users to complete one report each for each user

Assign users to review the completed reports of users they directly oversee

Create your specific quantitative or qualitative questions for any report

Your quantitative data automatically graphically displayed

All Quantitative and Qualitative Data accessible, summarized and visualized in a single table

Review all attendance data in an interactive report table

Aggregate all identical reports from across the organization into a single table and graph

Automatically export report data to other platforms with live updates

Download all data from the report into a CSV file

Create ad-hoc reports to send outside of scheduled reporting periods

Disable obsolete or discontinued reports

Allow Group or Team leaders to quickly edit their member profiles

Allow Group or Team leaders to add users directly to their rosters

Allow Group or Team Leaders to update their rosters directly within an attendance report

Allow Report Assignees and Reviewers to chat about their report directly in the report

Allow Assigned Reporters and Reviewers to access the report history

Allow document and file uploads within a report


Unlimited surveys

Unlimited questions

Allow anonymous

Unlimited file uploads

Disable surveys

Shareable URLs

QR code generator

Unlimited CSV file downloads

Create 1-off Surveys and forms that any person (public or user) can complete

Create your specific quantitative or qualitative questions for any survey

Allow survey respondents to submit the survey anonymously

Allow document and file uploads from survey respondents

Disable obsolete or discontinued surveys

Generate sharable URLs for people to find and fill in the survey

Generate QR codes for people to scan and fill in the survey

Download all data from the survey into a CSV file


Unlimited workspaces

Workspace roles

Automated membership

Workspace permissions

Unlimited threads and comments

Unlimited message and file history

Priority messaging

Tagging users

Inclusive workspaces

Member visibility

Create organization-wide communication channels

Assign roles to users within a workspace to limit their actions for communication

Automatically enroll users into the right communication channels based on your filters and criteria

Control who can post, comment and tag within a workspace

Keep the conversation going with unlimited threads, posts, and comments

No time-out or limited access to message or post history

Allow Workspace administrators to trigger priority messages that email and notify users

Allow users to '@' members in posts

Allow users to securely loop non-assigned users into quick threads

Control whether all users within a workspace can be discovered

Task Management

Unlimited tasks

Unlimited subtasks

Assign users

Task statuses

Task timelines

Task communication

Task cross-posting

Aggregate task view

Task progress completion

Table view

Kanban view

Calendar view

Task templates

Live task export

Video chat within tasks*

CSV task download

Task sorting

Allow users to create and share tasks and projects with each other

Allow users to create Subtasks within a task for structured project management

Assign users to specific tasks to ensure they engage in the project

Identify the process and completion of tasks with Task Statuses

Optionally assign Start and End-Dates tasks

Send threaded messages and posts inside a task for optimized collaboration

Cross-post tasks between Workspaces

View all tasks you are assigned from across the organization in one table/view

View task progress completion as subtasks are marked complete

View all your assigned tasks in Table view

View all your assigned tasks in Kanban view

View all your assigned tasks in calendar view

Use templates for creating tasks and gathering task information

Export tasks to other platforms or to spreadsheets with live updates

Start video calls directly within tasks

Download the list of all tasks to a CSV

Sort and filter tasks that you are assigned


Unlimited courses

Unlimited modules within courses

Unlimited quizzes within courses

Unlimited module reflections

Unlimited course moderators

Customized module content

Course assessments by leaders

Course chats

Live course modules*

Sequenced courses

Sequenced modules

Course catalogue

Course tags

Course visibility control

Course types

Featured courses

Course reminders

Automatic course completion

Course programs

Ticketed courses

Enrolled permissions

Module completion rate

User completion rates

Disabled modules

Disabled courses

Course completion statuses

Course shareability

Unlimited course cloning

Provide as much customized training content in individuals Courses

Structure your training content into segmented modules

Quiz users during their Courses

Ask quantitative or qualitative questions to assess learning after a module

Assign as many users as required to edit, create, and moderate each course

Upload, embed, link and transcribe your content directly into Engage Spaces

Allow relationally connected leaders (different from the course moderator) to assess user learning

Create community within courses with an integrated chat

Allow enrolled course members to engage in Online Live Training

Sequence Courses together so that once one Course is completed, users will be enrolled into the second course

Sequence Modules so that users must complete modules is a specific order

Allow users to discover your Courses in a display of all Courses

Create course tags to differentiate and categorize courses for End Users

Allow Courses to be discoverable by the public, only accessible to users, or hidden for searches, and invite only

Identify if a course is Online, Hybrid, In Person, or Self-Directed

Feature specific Groups on the public page

Control the frequency which users are reminded to complete course content

Allow users once they finish a course to optionally automatically be marked completed

Connect multiple courses together into a single 'Program' so that enrolment and completion are tied together

Allow users to pay to register for Courses

Control user permissions for users enrolled in a Course

Review the success and completion rate of the Course by Module

Review the success and completion of each individuals Modules in a Course

Disable and control module accessibility within a Course

Disable and control Course Accessibility

Mark and identify users statuses within Courses

Quickly share courses with shareable URLs & QR Codes

Duplicate Courses to make course content recreation quick and easy


Unlimited resource uploads

Unlimited resource downloads

Resource authorship

Resource visibility control

Resource tags

Shareable URLs

QR code generator

Resource catalogue

Upload pdfs, embed links, and rich content into your resources

Allow users and the public to download resources

Give credit to certain authors for their creation of a resource document

Allow Resources to be discoverable by the public, only accessible to users, or hidden for searches

Tag resources for quick searches and filters for users

Generate sharable URLs for people to find and access Resources

Generate QR codes for people to scan and access Resources

Allow users to discover your Resources


Unlimited events

Unlimited registrants

Unlimited event leaders

Location-defined events

Event chat

Event visibility control

Unlimited invite only events

Unlimited event tags

Event RSVP functions

Event shareability

Unlimited custom registration questions

Unlimited invitations

Automated bulk invitations

Post-event attendance

Ticketed events

Customizable chat permissions

Live event modules*

Live event registrant exporting

CSV event registrant download

Create unlimited number of Events, Tickets, and Event registrations

Allow anyone - your members, staff or people of the public - to register for events

Grant ownership of any event to anyone in your organization

Allow each location to host their own events

Directly communicate with all event registrants through the Event chat

Allow Events to be discoverable by the public, only accessible to users, or invite only

Control event enrolment with invite only events

Tag events for quick searches and administrative tracking

Allow event registrants to easily edit their RSVP Status and Registration Questions

Allow event registrants to share events with their friends with easy access to shareable URLS and QR Codes

Create any quantitative or qualitative event registration question

Manually or Automatically invite as many Users in your network

Automatically target certain users to invite them to an event

Take event attendance after an event to track all registered and invited members

Change registrants any dollar value to register for your events

Control who can post, comment and tag within an event chat

Allow registered event attendees to engage in Online Live Events

Automatically export registrant data to other platforms with live updates

Download the list of all event registrants to a CSV

Direct Messages

Unlimited direct messages

Unlimited group chats

Unlimited message and file history

Direct message user search

Upgrade to workspace

Video chat within messages

Add to group chat

Pinned threads

File sharing

Mute threads, comments and workspaces


GIF support

Message search

Send unlimited number of messages to as many users as you would like through Direct Messages

Add unlimited number of users into a Direct Message group chat

No time-out or limited access to message history

Search to message all users within your location, or across the organization

When you realize a message thread should become a workspace, upgrade a direct message into a Workspace

Start video calls directly within a Direct Message

Quickly add new users to your Group Chat

Mark certain messages as Pinned for easy discovery in the future

Allow document and files to be shared within Messages

Control notifications for individual posts

Allow users to post emoji reacts for posts

Send GIFs to other users

Find Messages within Direct Messages

Tickets & Payments

Stripe payment processing integration

Secure payment processing

Optional ticket activation

Unlimited ticket prices

Customized seat limiting

Ticket descriptions

Unlimited promo/discount codes

Disable ticket options

Accounting IDs

Transaction records

Unlimited live transaction records export

Multi-select ticket options

User transaction records

Email receipts

Lowest transaction fees

Process all payments securely through Stripe

Payment processes through Stripe are classified as PCI level 1 DSS compliant

Choose to activate certain Events or Courses as a Ticketed Option

Offer unlimited Ticket options

Optionally limit the number of tickets available for a given ticket type

Provide ticket descriptions to help clarify the differences between ticket options

Offer fixed or percentage Promo/Discount Codes for purchasing tickets

Archive Tickets but retain their historical record

Stamp all transaction records in Stripe with an Accounting ID for Accounting Reconcilliation purposes

Keep a robust list of all transaction records for a given Event or Course

Automatically export transaction data to other platforms with live updates

Allow one user to purchase multiple tickets at one time

Users retain a list of all their transactions processed through Engage Spaces

Registrants are immediately sent email receipts for confirmation of purchase

$1 + 0.5% of transaction total, or price match your current transaction fee if lower guarantee


In-app notifications

Push notifications

Email notifications

Browser notifications

User customizable notification settings

Admin-forced notifications

Read/unread notifications

Clear notifications

Mark all notifications read

Categorized notifications

Direct open notifications

Smart preview in notifications

Automatic reminder notifications

Muting notifications

Notifications from across the platform are discoverable in the Notification Space

Allow Notifications to send directly to your mobile device

Allow Notifications to send directly to your Email

Allow Notifications to pop-up in your Browser

Grant Users the ability to edit and customize their notification preferences

Force trigger notifications to ensure users receive a notification

Toggle between your current unread and all previous read notifications

Mark Notifications "Read" and clear them from your Notification screen

Mark all outstanding unread Notifications as "Read"

Filter and Sort Notifications by the Space the notification belongs to

Click on Notifications to open the message/ notice

Smart preview hyperlinks and all notification information in the Notification window

Receive automatic reminder notifications from Reports or Courses

Mute notifications to reduce your total received notifications


Organization registration page

Location-specific registration page

Share registration forms

Location registration page visibility

Pin to registration page

Registration page welcome message

Registration page welcome video

Registration page external link buttons

Event registrations

Course registrations

Team registrations

Group registrations

Resource accessibility

Display a public Registration Page for your members or the Public to discover and register for your Organization

Grant each location their own Registration Page so that they can display Location-Specific information, and registration opportunities

Allow the Public to quickly share Registration Pages and Forms with their friends

Customize which Location Pages are discoverable through the Location Search

Easily take a Group, Team, Event, or Course and pin it to the Main Organization or Location Registration Page for fast discovery

Generate custom welcome messages for the public or internal teams to access and review when registering

Provide the public with a quick glimpse view at your organization with the "who are we" video embed space

Allow the Public registration page to link to other external pages or platforms

Discover a Registration Page displaying all Events

Discover a Registration Page/ Catelogue displaying all Courses

Discover a Registration Page displaying all Teams

Discover a Registration Page displaying all Groups

Access Resources from the Public page

Form Builder

Unlimited questions

Over 20 question types

File upload

Duplicate questions

Reorder and edit questions

Disable questions

Form previews

Required questions

Automatic default questions

Allow any of your forms to ask unlimited number of questions

Choose from a large variety of the most common question types

Grant the ability for any form to accept File Submissions

Quickly create copies of the same question with question cloning

Customize the questions and question order after you've built your form

Save historic data gathered on questions but remove question accessibility from end-users

Quickly review your forms and how they will look and feel to the end user

Make any question required for end-users to complete

Never forget to gather information like Name, Email, or Phone Number with automatic default questions


Personalized accounts settings

Profile photos

Customizable account access

Customizable notification settings

Branding colours

Customizable date formatting

Toggleable feature displays

Open API access

Stripe integration

System tags control

Language localization

Custom domain name

Custom platform language

Custom platform language translation

Grant each user customizability over their own personal account settings

Give each user their own unique profile photo when operating on the platform

Edit Passwords, change emails and more with customizable account access

Grant each user the ability to customize their notification settings

Update the registration pages branding colours to reflect your Brand

Use your own date formatting across the platform following ISO 8601 Date Standards

Customize the discoverability of certain features from end-users

Receive a secure Open API key for accessing, exporting and importing your data

Update your financial accounts with Stripe directly from Engage Spaces

Control system-wide tags across the platform

The platform is fully translatable into other language. Current supported languages include: French, English, Spanish & Chinese

Select and customize your organizations Domain name

Edit terminology across the platform to match your organizations custom terms and nomenclature

Translate custom platform language/ terminology


End-to-end encryption

SOC2, PCI-DSS Level 1 and ISO 27001 data storage

Data-at-rest encryption

Employee data-handling

Password salting & hashing

Routine platform audits

Proprietary security & server design

Multi-factor authentication

Microsoft, Google and Apple OAuth

OAuth locking

All communication uses end-to-end encryption with HTTPS and 256-bit SSL

All data is safely stored in Montreal in secure Amazon Web Service facilities - with all AWS Data Centers being certified with SOC2, PCI-DSS Level 1, and ISO 27001.

All data at rest is encrypted and secured in AWS Data Warehouses

All employees are trained how to handle customer data. No client data is stored or saved on personal or employee computers

All passwords are salted and hashed in a secure database making reverse engineering or brute force hacking impossible

We regularly audit our system for integrity and security purposes, including engaging outside experts for independent verification.

Our proprietary design makes our system secure against well-known attack vectors

Ensure secure account access using Google or Microsofts Authenticator Apps

Allow users to securely login through externally validated providers

Require all staff or individuals with certain emails domains to be required to login through OAuth authentication

New features icon.

Have a requirements document? We have an expansive list of features to compare against your nonprofit requirements. Book a call to discuss!

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